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React Bindings

This package provides react bindings for Aether.


AetherReact = "quamatic/aether-react@0.1.1"


The package exposes a hook named useFloating():

local React = require(
local AetherReact = require(

local e = React.createElement

local function Component()
local floating = AetherReact.useFloating()

return e("Frame", {}, {
Reference = e("TextButton", {
Text = "Button",
ref = floating.refs.setReference,

Target = e("TextLabel", {
Position = UDim2.fromOffset(floating.x, floating.y),
Text = "Tooltip",
ref = floating.refs.setTarget,

This example will position the floating TextLabel at the bottom center of the TextButton element by default.


This is the input you can pass to useFloating():

type UseFloatingConfig = {
placement: Placement?,
middleware: { ReactiveMiddleware }?,
elements: {
reference: ReferenceElement?,
target: GuiObject?,
whileElementsMounted: (reference: ReferenceElement, target: GuiObject, update: () -> ()) -> () -> ()?,


Default value: "bottom"

The placement of the floating element relative to the reference element.

Available placement types are found here


An array of middleware objects that change the positioning of the floating element.

When you want granular control over how the floating element is positioned, middleware are used. They read the current coordinates, optionally alter them, and/or provide data for rendering. They compose and work together to produce the final coordinate.

You can learn more about middleware here


An object of elements passed to the hook, which is useful for externally passing them, as an alternative to the refs object setters.

The elements must be held in state (not plain refs) to ensure that they are reactive:

local React = require(
local AetherReact = require(

local e = React.createElement

local function Component()
local reference, setReference = React.useState(nil)
local floating = AetherReact.useFloating({
elements = {
reference = reference,

return e("Frame", {}, {
Reference = e("TextButton", {
Text = "Button",
ref = setReference,

Target = e("TextLabel", {
Position = UDim2.fromOffset(floating.x, floating.y),
Text = "Tooltip",
ref = floating.refs.setTarget,


A function that is called when the reference and floating elements are mounted, and returns a cleanup function called when they are unmounted.

local AetherReact = require(

whileElementsMounted = function(reference, target, update)
-- ...
return function()
-- ...

This allows you to pass autoUpdate() whose signature matches the option, to ensure the floating element remains anchored to the reference element:

local Aether = require(
local AetherReact = require(

whileElementsMounted = Aether.autoUpdate,

Return value

The hook returns the following type:

type UseFloatingReturn = {
placement: Placement,
x: number,
y: number,
data: MiddlewareData,
update: () -> (),
refs: {
reference: React.MutableRefObject<ReferenceElement?>,
target: React.MutableRefObject<GuiObject?>,
setReference: (node: ReferenceElement?) -> (),
setTarget: (node: GuiObject?) -> (),
elements: {
reference: ReferenceElement?,
target: GuiObject?,


The final placement of the floating element relative to the reference element. Unlike the one passed in the options, this one can be mutated by middleware like flip(). This is necessary to determine the actual side of the floating element for positioning.


The final x-coordinate of the floating element.


The final y-coordinate of the floating element.


The data provided by any middleware used.


A function that updates the floating element’s position manually.


The refs that should be applied to the reference and floating elements.


A ref for the reference element.


A ref for the floating (target) element. For usage in effects, prefer using


A function that sets the reference element.


A function that sets the floating (target) element.


The elements as set by the refs, useful for access during rendering or when needing to reactively check if the element exists.


The reference element. May be virtual.


The floating (target) element.

Reactive middleware

When using stateful values inside functions, those values aren't fresh or reactive.

For example:

local AetherReact = require(

local value, setValue = React.useState(0)

AetherReact.offset(value) -- reactive and fresh
return value
end) -- NOT reactive or fresh

However, the package allows you to the specify dependencies as a second argument of any middleware function that will keep it reactive:

local AetherReact = require(

local value, setValue = React.useState(0)

return value
end, { value })