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Vide Bindings

This package provides vide bindings for Aether.


AetherVide = "quamatic/aether-vide@0.1.1"


The package exposes a composable named useFloating():

local Vide = require(
local AetherVide = require(

local create = Vide.create
local source = Vide.source
local action = Vide.action

local function Component()
local reference = source(nil)
local target = source(nil)
local floating = AetherVide.useFloating(reference, target)

return create "Frame" {
create "TextButton" {

create "TextLabel" {
Position = function()
return UDim2.fromOffset(floating.x(), floating.y())

Text = "Tooltip",


This example will position the floating TextLabel at the bottom center of the TextButton element by default.

  • reference is the reference (or anchor) element that is being referred to for positioning.
  • target is the floating element that is being positioned relative to the reference element.
  • floating is the result returned from useFloating()

Return value

The composable returns all the values from process(), but in source form to work with Vide. This includes data about the final placement and middleware data which are useful when rendering.


The composable accepts all the options from process(), which allows you to customize the position. Here’s an example:

local Aether = require(
local AetherVide = require(

-- Inside your Vide component

AetherVide.useFloating(reference, target, {
placement = "right",
middleware = { Aether.offset(10), Aether.flip(), Aether.shift() },

It also accepts source values:

local Vide = require(
local Aether = require(
local AetherVide = require(

local source = Vide.source

-- Inside your Vide component
local placement = source("right")
local middleware = source({ Aether.offset(10), Aether.flip(), Aether.shift() })

AetherVide.useFloating(reference, target, {
placement = placement,
middleware = middleware,


The position is only calculated once on render, or when the reference or floating elements changed — for example, the floating element get mounted via show() rendering.

To ensure the floating element remains anchored to its reference element in a variety of scenarios without detaching, you can pass the autoUpdate utility to the whileElementsMounted prop:

local Aether = require(
local AetherVide = require(

-- Inside your Vide component
AetherVide.useFloating(reference, target, {
whileElementsMounted = Aether.autoUpdate

To pass options to autoUpdate:

local Aether = require(
local AetherVide = require(

-- Inside your Vide component
AetherVide.useFloating(reference, target, {
whileElementsMounted = function(reference, target, update)
local cleanup = Aether.autoUpdate(reference, target, update, "render")
-- Important! Always return the cleanup function
return cleanup

Manual updating

While autoUpdate covers most cases where the position of the floating element must be updated, it does not mean you are strictly limited to using it.

The composable returns an update() function to update the position at will:

local Vide = require(
local Aether = require(
local AetherVide = require(

local create = Vide.create
local changed = Vide.changed

local function Component()
local floating = AetherVide.useFloating(reference, target)

return create "Frame" {
changed("AbsoluteSize", floating.update),