Provides data to change the size of a floating element.
This is useful to ensure the floating element isn’t too big to fit in the viewport (or more specifically, its clipping context), especially when a maximum size isn’t specified. It also allows matching the width/height of the reference element.
- luau
- roblox-ts
local Aether = require(
local target = ...
local result = Aether.process(reference, target, {
middleware = {
apply = function(availableWidth, availableHeight)
-- Change styles, e.g.
-- For this example, let's just say `target` has a UISizeConstraint child.
target.UISizeConstraint.MaxSize =, 0), math.max(availableHeight, 0))
import { process, size } from "@rbxts/aether"
const target = ...
const result = process(reference, target, {
middleware: [
apply: (availableWidth, availableHeight) => {
// Change styles, e.g.
// For this example, let's just say `target` has a UISizeConstraint child.
target.UISizeConstraint.MaxValue = new Vector2(math.max(availableWidth, 0), math.max(availableHeight, 0))
This is the input you can pass to size()
- luau
- roblox-ts
type Input = {
apply: (availableWidth: number, availableHeight: number) -> ()?,
detectOverflowConfig: DetectOverflowConfig?,
interface Input {
apply?: (availableWidth: number, availableHeight: number) => void;
detectOverflowConfig?: DetectOverflowConfig;
Default value: nil
Unlike other middleware, in which you assign styles after process()
has done its work, size()
has its own apply function to do the work during the lifecycle:
Both properties can be negative. In the case of applying max styles, namely to a UISizeConstraint
, you should clamp them above 0
All of detectOverflow()'s config can be passed in this.
Using with flip()
Using size()
together with flip()
enables some useful behavior. The floating element can be resized, thus allowing it to prefer its initial placement as much as possible, until it reaches a minimum size, at which point it will flip.
If you’re using the padding
option in either middleware, ensure they share the same value.
The "best-fit" fallback strategy in the flip()
middleware is the default, which ensures the best fitting placement is used. In this scenario, place size()
after flip()
This strategy ensures the floating element stays in view at all times at the most optimal size.
If instead, you want the initial placement to take precedence, and are setting a minimum acceptable size, place size()
before flip()
- luau
- roblox-ts
local Aether = require(
local middleware = {
apply = function(availableWidth, availableHeight)
-- Minimum acceptablem height is 50px.
-- flip() would then take over if we applied this to a UISizeConstraint, for example.
print("Height:", math.max(50, availableHeight))
import { size, flip } from "@rbxts/aether"
const middleware = [
apply: (availableWidth, availableHeight) => {
// Minimum acceptablem height is 50px.
// flip() would then take over if we applied this to a UISizeConstraint, for example.
print("Height:", math.max(50, availableHeight))